Disability Needs a new name
This marks the next stage of our business and to celebrate 20 successful years. We’re delighted to finally announce that Disability Needs has rebranding to Sync Living.
Over the past 20 years, Disability Needs has grown and become an established market leader of accessible solutions, serving the needs of our customers.
Sync Living is a reflection of where we currently find ourselves and to continually evolve within our changing society. From the start we’ve always strived to do more for our customers, provide excellent service, top quality products and finally to provide important and meaningful solutions for their lives.
Sync Living aims to bring the latest ideas and innovations in accessibility into your home and to elevate the importance of creating design solutions that work for everyone including;
We hope you enjoy exploring our new website and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
Say Hello or pop over for a cuppa
A product specialist is available to discuss your personal requirements, offer advice and provide you with a range of suitable options.
Call 028 90 74 5333 or email sales@syncliving.co.uk for free trustworthy advice
Us and You in Sync