Autism is a developmental disability that lasts for a lifetime. It affects the way that the person communicates and relates to others, as well as how they perceive the world and interact with others.
Autism is a developmental disability that lasts for a lifetime. It affects the way that the person communicates and relates to others, as well as how they perceive the world and interact with others.
Portable calming LED bubble tube corner
Compact mobile interactive floor projector
Circular calming LED fibre optic shower
Fleece band group play toy
Giant top
Spending regular time in a sensory room with softened lights, projected images, fibre optics and bubble tubes in addition to digital sound and aromatherapy can filter much of the incoming extraneous sensory information allowing such individuals the ability to organise and often begin to communicate and integrate information.
Sensory toys and products are carefully designed and selected to maximize the benefits of each experience. They can deliver a host of benefits; reducing anxiety, extraneous movements and sensory blockage while encouraging communication, speech and socialisation.
Special children deserve special toys. When it comes to finding entertainment for children on the autism spectrum, all toys need to serve a double purpose. While they need to provide solid and long-lasting entertainment, they also need to stimulate the child in the particular areas where the child is facing difficulties.
If you are interested in discussing sensory equipment for Autism – then get in touch! We have a team of friendly product specialists, with expertise in multi sensory room design.
Make an appointment with our friendly product experts who will talk you through the process and help you find the best solution.
Or call us on +44 (0)28 9074 5333