Calming Sensory Rooms

Calming sensory rooms are carefully crafted spaces that create a calming & relaxing atmosphere for the users. These rooms feature passive equipment, rather than switchable equipment.

Having a safe and inviting place to escape to and relax can help users return their minds to a state of calm; a valuable resource for those who need that additional support. Calming sensory rooms incorporate a range of sensory equipment. Mesmerising, slowly changing softly coloured lights, moving projections, gentle sounds of bubbles and relaxing music provide users with an alternative to their overwhelming thoughts.

Equipment found in calming sensory rooms can include;

  • Calming LED Bubble Tube
  • Fibre Optic Ceiling Bundle
  • Solar Sensory LED
  • Fibre Optic Sideglow
  • Calming Sensory Corner
  • Padded Corner Walls
  • Highly Durable
  • Wipe Clean Surfaces