Folding Mobility Scooter Guide
Folding mobility scooters are becoming a firm favourite amongst mobility scooter users. Small, portable, and effortless to fold away; they are an all-round solution that opens up the distances that users can travel independently. They are an excellent solution for travelling. Their compact design allows them to be stored in the boot of a car, in a train, or even on aeroplanes. So what exactly is behind the rise in popularity of folding mobility scooters?
Folding mobility scooter benefits
The true beauty that is found in folding mobility scooters, is that they fold up automatically in just a few seconds. All it takes is the click of a button. This means they can be stowed away in home closets, storage cupboards, or even in hallways – to make space in houses where space is a premium. Mobility scooters should ideally be kept under cover; out of the rain, and safe from potential theft. But not everyone has an accessible garage or shed. Folding scooters enable owners to store their scooters in lobbies or hallways of their home, without getting in the way or blocking the hallway entirely.
Once folded up, the scooter will fit nicely in the boot of the car, perfect for a day trip to the seaside, park, or a loved one’s home. This gives you the freedom to travel further afield independently, as no one has to push you, as is the case of folding manual wheelchairs. Folding mobility scooters offer a reliable, comfortable and transportable solution for users to travel away from home, as they can bring their mobility scooter along with them on trains and aeroplanes. This opens up a world of opportunities for mobility when holidaying and travelling; a privilege that can be so easily taken for granted.
Lightweight mobility scooters
There’s been a race. But unlike cars racing around a track to be the fastest; the race amongst folding mobility scooter manufacturers has been a race to get lighter. Who could make the lightest folding mobility scooter on the market? And it’s been an exciting one!
Currently most folding scooters weigh around 25kg, which can be too heavy for users to lift independently.
With technological advancements, the preferred frame construction material is moving from steel, to aluminium, to carbon fiber. The frames are still strong and durable, but now they are becoming lightweight, too.
One of the heaviest components in a mobility scooter is the battery. But with the mainstream introduction of Lithium Ion batteries, leaps have been made towards weight savings. As well as being lightweight, lithium batteries also perform fantastically with an impressive range of about 10 miles per charge.
The result of this race has been extremely lightweight, competitively priced mobility scooters; that drive & handle well. But the crowning glory is the convenience they deliver to the owner when they are folded away.
Manual vs Automatic folding scooters
Folding scooters come with one of two folding mechanisms; manual folding and automatic folding.
Automatic folding scooters simply require a single button to be pressed on either the scooter dashboard, or on the remote control. Once the button is pressed, the scooter will automatically fold away in a few seconds. This is undoubtedly the most convenient and effortless option, and is perfect for users who have little strength or dexterity.
Manual folding scooters are folded up and away by the user. This process doesn’t require much strength. First the seat backrest is folded down. Then a handle on the footplate is held, and pulled upwards, which folds the scooter by bringing the two ends in towards each other. Then a small lever is loosened on the steering column to lower the handles – and voila! It is not the most complex process, but nevertheless may not suit all users. Manually folding a scooter may be too physically challenging for some users, who should opt for an automatic solution instead. It’s also worth noting that some folding scooters can be further broken down into parts, if transporting the scooter in smaller compartments is required.
Remote control folding mobility scooter UK
Remote controls make folding your mobility scooter as simple as the click of a button. This means that the user doesn’t have to lean over the scooter to reach the controls on the scooter, to activate the folding feature. More importantly, when the scooter is in the folded down position, the handy remote control means that the user doesn’t have to bend over to reach down to the scooter. They can simply click the button on the handset from a distance, and watch the scooter come to life!
What is the best folding mobility scooter?
Luckily, there are some fantastic folding mobility scooters on the market. Our top 5 best folding mobility scooters are;
One Rehab Globe Trotter
Automatic folding in 10 seconds. 26kg total weight. 10 mile range.
Monarch Smarti
Automatic folding in 18 seconds. 27kg total weight. 10 mile range.
Invacare Scorpius-A
Automatic folding in 10 seconds. 28kg total weight. 9 mile range.
Drive Devilbiss Knight Electrofold
Automatic folding in 12 seconds. 33kg total weight. 9 mile range.
TGA Minimo Autofold
Manual folding. 27kg total weight. 10 mile range.
More information about buying folding mobility scooters at Sync Living can be found here, have a browse now!
Disadvantages of folding mobility scooters
The seating of folding mobility scooters is fairly basic. It may not be optimal for users who spend a long amount of time in their chair, or for users who require postural support or customisation. The armrests are also fairly basic, providing standard support.
The compact size of folding mobility scooters is great for convenience, but might not be optimal for bariatric or larger users. The standard maximum weight capacity is usually 115kg / 18 stone. That being said – they usually do have a good share of legroom!
The top speed of folding mobility scooters is usually around 4mph. This is great for those wanting a convenient run around. Alternatively, larger roadworthy mobility scooters have top speeds of 8mph. Road scooters could be preferred if you want to cover longer distances, have an energetic dog who requires lots of walking, or just have a need for speed! But note: large scooters are much heavier and larger!
The weight of a folding mobility scooter is too heavy for most users to be able to lift independently (the average weight is about 25kg). Although folding mobility scooters are much lighter when compared to standard mobility scooters, they are still far heavier than a folding manual wheelchair. Once folded, they are designed to be wheeled around, rather than lifted.
Finally, there is not much storage space on folding mobility scooters. For users who carry a lot of equipment around with them, or perhaps for the shopaholics amongst us, then a medium or large-sized scooter may be preferred.
Folding electric wheelchairs
An alternative option you may wish to consider are folding powered wheelchairs. These are great for users who spend most of their days in the chair – but still want a transportable solution that can be popped in the boot of a car, and taken with them to the houses of family, friends, or out in nature.
These versatile mobility vehicles are designed to get you around safely and comfortably, both indoors and outdoors. They are available in a range of drive bases, seating systems and controls. Powered wheelchairs are the ultimate mobility solution for users who stay in their wheelchair throughout the day, have restricted mobility in their hands, and are unable to transfer safely in and out of the chair easily. As with folding mobility scooters, folding electric wheelchairs help users travel more independently, as they can be stowed away, transported, and used at your destination!
Folding mobility scooters for sale
Sync Living supply a wide range of folding mobility scooters across Northern Ireland and Ireland. Our best selling models are Invacare Scorpius-A, Monarch Smarti, Drive Devilbiss Knight Electrofold, TGA Minimo Autofold, One Rehab Globe Trotter.
Folding Mobility Scooters Ireland can be folded manually or electronically down to a very compact size for loading in cars and storing. Due to the smaller, lightweight batteries, and user weight limits, these scooters have a limited range of around 10 miles. Because they are compact, lightweight, and can be remote controlled – they are becoming a firm market favourite.
The devil is in the detail when selecting the perfect folding mobility scooter for you – so talk to our team of experts and they will advise which models will best suit your lifestyle.
Folding mobility scooters near me
Folding mobility scooters are available through Motability; the affordable leasing scheme. The scheme enables people to use their government mobility allowance, to lease a new mobility scooter or powered wheelchair. Sync Living are approved Motability dealers, and can help you through the entire process, including home demos and test drives. Contact us to find out more!